Crawley and East Grinstead – Launch Event

Brethren, family and friends from the Lodges in the Crawley and East Grinstead Masonic Centres raised £820 during a ‘Casino Night’ held at the Ifield Golf Club to launch the Sussex 2028 Festival. Our MCF and Provincial visitors were W Bro Suhail Alam, Head of Digital and Technology at the MCF, and W Bro Mark Buckle, APGM.
Skill on the casino tables might be a sign of a misspent youth, but surely not this time… the first prize, of a Jazz Lunch Cruise on the Thames, was won by Jan Gurr, which she kindly donated to be auctioned; W Bro Mark Buckle’s partner, Kelly Jones, won a trial session for two at the Northall Clay Pigeon Club; and Vicky Smith won an Afternoon Tea at Ashdown Park hotel.
The evening finished with W Bro Ryan Smith auctioning a cruise for 6 around Windsor on W Bro Steve Gurr’s launch and, in addition, Jan’s prize of the Jazz Lunch Cruise.
Thank you to everyone who supported the evening and especially to W Bro Steve and Jan Gurr and W Bro Dan Kerwood of the Northall Clay Pigeon Club for their generosity.
North Sussex 2028 Festival Committee
Chairman, John Bell, Secretary, Kevin Fearn, Treasurer, Steve Gurr